grantee information

Occasionally, programs funded by the Massachusetts Service Alliance need to submit forms or obtain specific program-related information.  This page contains AmeriCorps, After-School, Mentoring, and Youth Council documentation, as well as general forms.

In an attempt to help your organization in its marketing efforts, this page also lists commonly used public relations style sheets and templates.

If your organization would like to borrow training and technical assistance literature, please be sure to visit our Lending Library.  Once you have completed a loan agreement form, you will be able to request resource material from this site.

All forms can be opened and downloaded in either a document or spread sheet format (allowing the user to fill-out the forms and submit them via e-mail to the Service Alliance), or as Adobe files (allowing the user to print the forms and either type or handwrite the appropriate information).

Please Note – Depending on the type of browser you are using, you may have difficulty downloading .doc or .xls files (you might be prompted for a password) from your PC.  If you are prompted for a password, hit cancel and the document will appear. To avoid this problem, right click on the link you wish to download and select the ‘save target as’ option.


Form Type File Format Adobe Format
Fining Policy .pdf
Projected Expenses Instructions .pdf
Reimubsement Form .xls .pdf
Reimbursment Instructions .pdf

After-School Community Service-Learning

Form Type File Format Adobe Format
2002-2003 Mid-Year Data Report
2002-2003 Mid-Year Narrative Report
Reimbursement/Advancement Instructions .pdf
Reimbursement/Advancement Request Form .xls .pdf
Amendment Request Instructions .pdf
Amendment Request Form .xls .pdf
Expenditure Projection Instructions .pdf
Expenditure Projection Report .xls .pdf
Alliance Evaluation Form .pdf

Form Type File Format Adobe Format
2002-2003 Mid-Year and Final Progress Report .doc .pdf
Reimbursement/Advancement Instructions .pdf
Reimbursement/Advancement Request Form .xls .pdf
Amendment Request Instructions .pdf
Amendment Request Form .xls .pdf
Expenditure Projection Instructions .pdf
Expenditure Projection Report .xls .pdf
Alliance Evaluation
Youth Councils

Form Type File Format Adobe Format
2002-2003 Mid-Year Data Reports
2002-2003 Mid-Year Narrative Report
Reimbursement/Advancement Instructions .pdf
Reimbursement/Advancement Request Form .xls .pdf
Expenditure Projection Instructions .pdf
Expenditure Projection Report .xls .pdf
Alliance Evaluation Form .pdf
General Forms

Form Type File Format Adobe Format
Mass. Service Alliance Photo Release Form .doc .pdf
Governor’s Points of Light Award Fact Sheet .hmtl
Governor’s Points of Light Award Nomination Form .pdf

Public Relations Style Sheets & Templates

These templates have been included on this page to help programs and organizations more effectively communicate with the media. They are all listed as .PDF files.

Press ReleasesMedia Advisories
Letters To The EditorOp-ed Pieces
Public Service Announcements (PSAs)Pitch Letters
Media Plan